Inspired by Tybb® – T19 powder
Inspired by Tybb® – T19 is almost an all-rounder, it lowers Cholesterol, stabilizes Diabetes & blood pressure, reduces swelling, works like an Anti-biotic for infections, reduces inflammation & joint pains, is good for Sciatica, dries phlegm, is good for pustules (carbuncles), clears the skin, reduces the load on heart & all major organs, opens constipation & improves digestion, removes urinary tract infections, opens the urine, best for blocked menstruation & Thyroid problems, and if taken in the long run with a Calorie deficit, it also works against Obesity (boosting metabolism), for a fatty liver.
Inspired by Tybb® – T19 powder
** Because the blend is hot-natured, so do not consume it if you have diseases like Ulcers, Piles, Diarrhea, Blood cancer, etc.
We have seen that Henna water on an empty stomach has shown good results for H-Pyroli, furthermore, Formula T19 should be given.
Avoid meat, proteins & all foods from restaurants, and cook neat & clean in your kitchen.
Treating Hepatitis B with Tibbe Nabawi ﷺ A Few Hepatitis B patients have been treated & the results were so good, that the following was given: Hijamah on the back with a good amount of blood drained out Formula K & Masha’Allah that Henna in it gave beautiful results, Formula T19 in mild dosage as a single teaspoon daily.
A strict diet in which animal proteins, lentils & vegetable oils were stopped completely, barley bread, vegetable soups, olive oil, vinegar, and honey were given.
Source :
In collaboration with Tibbe-Nabawi google group
Tybb™ – T19 is a strong blend of 19 herbs from Tibb-e-Nabawi, which should be taken as a teaspoon after breakfast and/or dinner with water.
Start with half a teaspoon daily after Breakfast and Dinner, then gradually increase to 1 teaspoon per time in a week.
Never take T19 formula during pregnancy, breastfeeding baby, Ulcer, Diahreaa, piles, and heavy menstruation
Sana Makki, Kalonji, Gheekawar, Hab ul Rashad, Methi, Tukhm e Ajmoda, Tukhm e Kasni, Loban Kundar, Anaar Chhilka, Tukhm e Rehan, Marzanjosh, Janzabeel, Chiraita, Afsanteen, Mur Makki, Tukhm e Soya, Saatar Farsi.
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