Inspired by Tybb® – D powder – One of the best remedies for diabetes
Tybb™ – D helps provide long-lasting and optimum control of blood sugar levels. It also helps relieve associated symptoms such as frequent urination (Polyurea) and thirst (polydipsia). Developed on the principles of Tibbe Nabavi, Inspired by Tybb® – D helps prevent associated complications of diabetes like skin infections, neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy.
For Diabetes, it is well understood that herbal medicines can’t bring down the digits very quickly. In comparison, allopathic drugs reduce your blood sugar levels in a shorter time. A rough example is explained below:
The results of both medicines ~ allopathic & herbal are almost the same. So herbs work in a natural fashion; they release the therapeutic effect slowly. But apart from this issue, herbs have their own benefits. We discussed with some Diabetic patients who have been using Inspired by Tybb® – D & the feedback was as under:·
With Inspired by Tybb® – D, the urge to frequent urination decreased & even disappeared for a few patients.
The feeling of excessive thirst reduced.
Skin itching is reduced with Tybb™ – D (a few Allopathic medicines create itching on the skin).
Dryness on the skin is reduced with Formula D.
Diabetes itself (when gets old) creates constipation & allopathic medicines have no effect on this kind of constipation, but Masha’Allah that Tybb™ – D helped the patients with bowel movements & they rarely complained of constipation.
A Diabetic patient was also suffering from Prostatitis + a problem in emptying the bladder, he reported that Inspired by Tybb® – D reduced his prostatic inflammation & provided a better urine flow. This extra feature is not seen in allopathic medicines for Diabetes. Alhamdulillah the results of Tibbe Nabawi herbs are so powerful without any side effects, we need to understand this, the results depend from person to person as this is herbal and not chemical for the instant results (which gives side effects.)Source : Tibbe Nabawi google group
Patient having a blood sugar of 170 mg/dl before meal & 250 after 2 hours of a meal when allopathic pills will be taken, this patient may show blood sugar as 180 to 190 after 2 hours of a meal when herbal blends will be taken, this patient will have blood sugar as 200 to 210 after 2 hours of the meal but after 4 hours of taking the food.
Dosage: One teaspoon after Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner if the Blood sugar is more than 200 at random or One teaspoon after Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner if the Blood sugar is more than 200 at random (Kindly increase the dosage from one teaspoon to one and half if sugar levels do not come down.)
Ingredients: Mur Makki, Loban Kundar, Methi, Berg e Hina, Chiraita, Paneer Dudhi, Jamun, Tukhm e Neem, Tukhm e Karela, Khulanjaan, Aamla, Darchini, Berg e Zaitoon, Gudmar Booti, Ashwagandha.
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Alhamdulillah ..Alhamdulillah …
From the day one it’s working
I genuinely recommend having this product is far better than Allopathy…prophetic remedies is “The Best” Awesome.👌
Excellent Prophetic Remedies. Sugar under control without using aelopathic medicines. Delivery also intime. Alhamdulillah Jazakallah